Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Capital Punishment Should Be Used As A Punishment For...

When it comes to ethical dilemmas, few are more polarizing and contentious for citizens of the USA as whether capital punishment should be used as a punishment for crime. Also known as the death penalty, the practice involves legally executing a criminal if they commit a crime of a certain level; most often, this punishment is prescribed to those who have murdered other people. Opponents and proponents of the death penalty have clashed for decades, often claiming differing results prove their respective sides to be superior in many areas. For example, those that support the death penalty claim that it is a cheaper punishment in financial terms than lifelong imprisonment without parole, while those that oppose capital punishment believe the exact opposite, stating that capital punishment is the more expensive of the two options. Additionally, there is a major rift between the two sides involving the effectiveness of the death penalty as a crime deterrent; opponents believe there is li ttle to no beneficial effect, while supporters often declare that the death penalty has been proven to decrease murders and therefore saves lives. Moral positions also play a role in the debate; proponents view the punishment as a just way to punish someone who has committed a capital offense and a path towards closure for families of victims, while some on the other side hold that it is wrong to take a life regardless of what a person has done or that death is a cruel, extreme, unnecessaryShow MoreRelatedChristianity and Allowing Capital Punishment Essay1051 Words   |  5 PagesChristianity and Allowing Capital Punishment The question of whether Christians should allow capital punishment is controversial and is often argued between many Christians. This question can be answered by using the bible to help them understand their morale and ways of life. The Christians believe that Christians should allow capital punishment and they argue this by using the bible in Exodus 21 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot thisRead MoreCapital Punishment Of The United States961 Words   |  4 Pages Capital Punishment in the United States For centuries, capital punishment has been used as a consequence of capital crime. Criminals who have committed such crimes are subject to facing the death penalty. Pickens shares, â€Å"Capital crimes are considered to be treason or terrorist attacks against the government, crimes against property when life is threatened, and crimes against a person that may include murder, assault, and robbery.†Read MoreIs Capital Punishment Immoral? Essay1525 Words   |  7 PagesIs Capital Punishment Immoral? In a Kantian world with moral laws, capital punishment does not seem to be a theoretical solution for punishing murders. But when someone does commit murder those individuals render their rights, and henceforth would acknowledge their action with consequences, such as capital punishment. Jeffrey H. Reiman presents various arguments against the use of capital punishment with no adequate evidence of effectiveness, but I disagree. Capital punishment is a reasonableRead MoreEssay about The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1479 Words   |  6 Pagesdeath penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been implemented by many states, and is normally used for atrocious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishment depending on one’s faith, andRead MoreEssay on Capital Punishment720 Words   |  3 PagesCapital Punishment The definition of capital punishment is the legal punishment of death for violating criminal law. The person who gets capital punishment is the ones who committed serious crimes. Methods of capital punishment throughout the world are by stoning, beheading, hanging, electrocution, lethal injection and shooting. The two most common methods capital punishment use in the United States are lethal injection and electrocution. The lethal injection is the most used form of capitalRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1137 Words   |  5 PagesThe case for capital punishment Topic: why capital punishment should continue General purpose: To argue Specific purpose: my main aim is to convince the audience that capital punishment should be upheld. In other, the advantages of capital punishment outweigh its disadvantages. Introduction Capital punishment is also known as death penalty and it has been in existence since time immemorial. Throughout history, the death penalty has been used to punish a number of crimes that include murderRead MoreEssay about The Debate Over Capital Punishment1141 Words   |  5 Pagesdebate over capital punishment has been raging on for countless number of years. Capital punishment has been used for thousands of years due to the physiological fear it inflicts on the people who witness and learn about the death penalty. The use of this punishment has helped to reduce crime and alter the minds of future criminals to deter them against committing heinous crimes such as murder, treason, espionage, terrorism and in some cases aggravated kidnapping. Advocates say it deters crime while abolitionistsRead More Capital Punishment Essay949 Words   |  4 PagesCapital Punishment   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Capital punishment is a very controversial issue, but it is a just penalty for murderers. Murderers forfeit their lives for taking the life of another. Capital punishment deters criminals from committing violet crimes. Incapacitating criminals is also another form of deterrence. The death penalty removes harmful criminals from society. In doing this, people can feel much safer knowing that there is one less criminal on the streets. The death penalty is also more economicalRead MoreAll Proven Rapists, Pedophiles and Murderers Should Receive Capital Punishment1036 Words   |  5 PagesWorking Title: â€Å"Capital punishment for all proven rapists, pedophiles, and murderers should be made the order of the day.† In the eighteenth century, death penalty was used as the severe Punishment if a Person disobeyed the laws. Death penalty also known as Capital Punishment is the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner for a serious crime. The court, who administers the law enacted by parliament, will, after conviction of a criminal who has done serious offence, sentence him to be killedRead More Capital Punishment Essay1685 Words   |  7 PagesCapital Punishment Works Cited Not Included Capital Punishment was basically thought of for the good of society. The objective of Capital Punishment is to stop people from committing violent and offensive acts. Capital Punishment or the death penalty has failed however, to prevent or discourage crime. Moreover, it is cruel and gruesome. At present there are five methods of execution. The most commonly used form of execution is by lethal injection. In this method the convict is first injected

Monday, December 23, 2019

Environment Issues Are Destructive Effect From Human...

Environment Issues and Pressures Environment issues are destructive effect from human activity on the nature. In the day ages, there are many types of environment issues in the Earth. Most countries focus on environment issues and there are more pressure when government solving these problems. Earth s environment is an important factor in the survival of mankind and environmental issues that affect human life. Therefore, Protecting the environment is human responsibility. And Equal protection of the environment to protect ourselves. Global warming, shortage resources and ocean pollution are major environment issues and pressure around the world. The number of reasons and influence of these environment problems and pressures will be given. Global warming is a severe challenge to human survival and development. Angell (1999) describe that there are four approach show no signs of global warming in the past 1000 years. However, according to Gray (2009) the most reliable global temperature measurements since 1979. And the this measurement no only checked average temperature, it also recorded the any temperature in anyplace. This way made by NASA satellites, using Microwave Sounder Units. The most important evident of global warming is that increased temperature where is human live (Karl, 1998). Obvious, the remote place no this issue. There are many natural disaster happen on account of global warming, for instance, raises the sea level, brings drought in tropical regionsShow MoreRelatedEssay on Role of Human Activities in Causing Climate Change1072 Words   |  5 PagesAs humans approach a future of uncertainty, enigmas are unraveling all around the globe. Climate change is one of the most influential concerns to human kinds, since there seems to be a dramatic change in the Earth’s climate such as noticeable increase in temperature.According to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate change may be defined as the change in atmosphere that results from indirect or direct contribution to the climate by humans in which affect the modificationRead MoreHumans Are to Blame for Global Warming Essay1561 Words   |  7 PagesHumans Are To Blame For Global Warming Kevin Odhiambo Ogwa Lake Michigan College Abstract Every human activity has a particular effect on objects surrounding his or her environment, be it physical, mental, or social. But notably, the most evident might be the effect of human activity on global warming. Global warming is quickly becoming a major topic of concern worldwide, and has been stirring up controversy everywhere with its adverse effects seen all over the world. It causes rise of theRead MoreThe Effects Of Bullying On The Workplace925 Words   |  4 Pagesmishandling. Bullying effects on victims and other employees in an organization Harassing is most successive in work environments with negative and unpleasant workplace (a). Furthermore, focuses of harassing frequently need social backing from collaborators and chiefs (b), and it has been shown that apparent low social backing is identified with misery and burnout, for an occasion, in the connection amongst directors and subordinates (c). This is sad that the supporting environment is by all accountsRead More Drilling Alaska: America Needs to Adopt Conservation Practices!1645 Words   |  7 Pagesrecently read an article in Scientific American (May 2001) titled â€Å"the arctic oil wildlife refuge.† The article addresses the issue of whether or not science has the ability to clarify the potential economic benefits and the ecological risks of drilling into the nation’s last great coastal wilderness preserve. What I began to wonder after reading the article is, if we humans should continue our scientific and technological petroleum endeavors eve n though we are causing irreversible harm to our earthRead MorePower Of Myth : Joseph Campbell Calls The Movie Theater1255 Words   |  6 Pagesthe didactic nature of movies. According to its co-director Fricke, Baraka was intended to be a journey of rediscovery that plunges into nature, into history, into the human spirit and finally into the realm of the infinite (Fricke). It is a visualization of the interconnectedness humans share with the earth. Furthermore, Baraka dives into the didactic elements of archetypes and images that instruct the soul. Although Baraka does not use words, there is a clear message of humans and their worldRead MoreIn The Last 100 Years, The Amount Of Greenhouse Gases In1405 Words   |  6 Pagescausing a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Human activities such as industry, transport, energy generation and deforestation all produce these greenhouse gases. In the last 20 years, concern has grown that global warming is inevitable and now consi dered most probably caused by man-made increases in greenhouse gas emissions. In this essay, I will analyze Dr. Chukwumerije Okereke’s claims of intersectional oppression and domination of the environment concerning distributional injustices causedRead MoreThe Rime Of The Ancient Mariner1246 Words   |  5 Pagesstate of our planet has increased. It has become increasingly apparent that humans leave a destructive impact on the world. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner† uses a religious tone and symbolism to discuss the implications of human interference with nature. It is undeniable that humans leave a lasting impact on the world. The need to progress and improve has lead to the destruction of the environment. The catch-22 of humans need to progress is that they are inadvertently destroying their planet. OneRead MoreAn Argument For Community Change1265 Words   |  6 Pagessuch a beautiful scene is in serious jeopardy! The quality of our waters is degrading at an alarming rate; the human race contributes to the problem daily, often without realizing it. Water pollution in Florida is reducing pure water sources at a drastic rate, destroying natural beauty, and severely impacting the survival of local wildlife. Human actions are a major contribution to this issue, therefore citizen awareness is the highest workable solution to diminish the threat and improve the degradationRead MoreThe Alarming and Troublesome Global Warming Issue 1407 Words   |  6 Pagesregular or ordinary weather in an environment consists of patterns like seasons and tempe rature. Climate patterns play such an important role in constructing an essential ecosystem, human economies and cultures that rely on them has raised the surface of the worlds oceans in recent decades by melting glaciers and causing seawater to expand as it warms. In addition, thermal expansion from current and future greenhouse gas desolation and increasing mass losses from the glaciers and ice sheets due toRead MoreEssay on The Ecological Consequences of Global Economic Growth1426 Words   |  6 Pagesextinction’, caused by the actions of humans.† (Cock and Hopwood, 1996:17) In the following I’m going to look at the positive and negative effects of the ecological systems of global economic growth and the effects on economic loss, and briefly discuss the concept of ‘risk’, and the consequences of ‘population growth’. I would also like to pay attention to the negative and positive effects of economic growth, such as the effects caused by ‘deforestation’, and the

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Night World Huntress Chapter 5 Free Essays

The boy’s light hair was longish, falling over his forehead in disarray. He had a nice face, serious, but with an unexpected dimple in his chin that gave him a slightly mischievous look. His body was nicely muscled but compact; standing, Jez knew, he’d be no taller than she. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : Huntress Chapter 5 or any similar topic only for you Order Now There was a large bump coming up on his forehead, just under the falling hair. The ghoul had probably slammed him against something. Jez jumped up and got a blue plastic cup full of water from her nightstand. She grabbed a clean T-shirt from the floor and dipped it into the water, then she gently brushed back the hair from the boy’s forehead. It was silky under her fingers. Even softer than she would have thought. Jez kept her face expressionless and began to wipe his face with the damp cloth. He didn’t stir. Jez’s heart, which was already thumping distinctly, speeded up. She took a deep breath and kept wiping. Finally, although it probably didn’t have anything to do with the water, the boy’s dark eyelashes moved. He coughed, breathed, blinked, and looked at her. Relief spread through Jez. â€Å"Don’t try to sit up yet.† â€Å"That’s what they all say,† he agreed, and sat up. He put a hand to his head and groaned. Jez steadied him. â€Å"I’m fine,† he said. â€Å"Just tell the room to stop moving.† He looked around the room, bunked again and suddenly seemed to focus. He grabbed her arm, his eyes wide. â€Å"Something followed me-â€Å" â€Å"A ghoul. It’s dead.† He let out his breath. Then he smiled wryly. â€Å"You saved my life.† â€Å"And I don’t even charge,† Jez said, embarrassed. â€Å"No, I mean it.† His smile faded and he looked straight at her. â€Å"Thank you.† Jez could feel heat trying to rise to her face, and she had a hard time holding his gaze. His eyes were gray and so intense-fathomless. Her skin was tingling. She looked away and said evenly, â€Å"We should get you to a hospital. You might have a concussion.† â€Å"No. I’m okay. Let me just see if I can stand up.† When she opened her mouth to protest, he added, â€Å"Jez, you don’t know why I’m here. It can’t wait.† He was right; Jez had been so intent on getting him conscious that she hadn’t even wondered what he was doing here. She looked at him for a moment, then nodded. She helped him up, and let go of his arm when she saw he could stand without falling over. â€Å"See, I’m fine.† He took a few steps, then made a circuit of the room, loosening his muscles. Jez watched him narrowly, ready to grab him if he fell. But he walked steadily except for a slight limp. And that wasn’t from his encounter with the ghoul tonight, Jez knew. He’d had the limp from childhood, from when the werewolves took his family. How he’d been able to get over that and join Circle Daybreak, Jez would never know. He’d lost his parents almost as young as she had. He’d lost his two sisters and his brother, too. His entire family had been on a camping trip atLake Tahoe , when in the middle of the night they’d been attacked by a pack of werewolves. Renegade ‘wolves, hunting illegally because Night World law wouldn’t let them kill as often as they liked. Just like Jez’s old gang. The ‘wolves had ripped through theDavis family’s tents and killed the humans, one, two, three. Easy as that. The only one they left alive was seven-year-old Hugh, because he was too little to have much meat on his body. They had just settled down to eat the hearts and livers of their victims, when suddenly the one too little to be worth eating was dashing at them with a homemade torch constructed of kerosene-soaked underwear wrapped around a stick. He was also waving a silver cross on a chain the werewolves had torn from his sister’s neck. Two things werewolves don’t like: silver and fire. The little boy was attacking with both. The ‘wolves decided to kill him. Slowly. They almost did it. They managed to chew one of his legs almost off before a park ranger arrived, attracted by the spreading fire from the dropped torch. The ranger had a gun, and the fire was getting out of control. The ‘wolves left. Hugh almost died of blood loss on the way to the hospital. But he was a tough kid. And a very smart one. He didn’t even try to explain to anybody what he’d been doing with the silver necklace. He knew they would never believe him if he said he’d suddenly remembered a bunch of past lives, including one where he’d seen a werewolf killed. Hugh Davis was an Old Soul. And a wakened Old Soul, which was even more rare. It scared Jez a little. He was human and she was from the Night World, but she didn’t pretend to understand the magic that brought some humans back again and again, reincarnating them in new bodies. Letting them remember all their past lifetimes, making them smarter and more clearheaded every time they were born. In Hugh’s case, also gentler every time. In spite of the attack on his family, when he got out of the hospital the first thing he did was try to find some Night People. He knew they weren’t all bad. He knew some of them would help him stop the werewolves from hurting anyone else. Fortunately, the first people he found were from Circle Daybreak. Circles were witch organizations, but Circle Daybreak was for humans and vampires and shapeshifters and werewolves, too. It was an underground society, as secret within the Night World as the Night World was secret within the human world. It went against the most basic tenets of Night World law: that humans were not to be told about the Night World, and that Night People shouldn’t fall in love with humans. Circle Daybreak was fighting to unite everybody, to stop the killings, and to bring peace between the races. Jez wished them luck. She suddenly realized that Hugh had stopped walking and was looking at her. She blinked and focused, furious with herself for her slip in concentration. As a huntress-of vampires or anything else-you stayed alert all the time, or you were dead. â€Å"You were miles away,† Hugh said softly. His gray eyes were calm but intense as always. That look Old Souls get when they’re reading you, Jez thought. She said, â€Å"Sorry. Um, do you want some ice for that bump?† â€Å"No, I like it. I’m thinking of getting one on the other side, to match.† He sat on the bed, serious again. â€Å"Really, I’ve got some stuff to explain to you, and it’s going to take a while.† Jez didn’t sit. â€Å"Hugh, I think you need it. And I need to take a shower or my aunt will get suspicious about what I’m doing in here for so long. Besides, the smell is driving me crazy.† Although she couldn’t use her vampire powers without bringing on the bloodlust, her senses were still much more acute than a human’s. â€Å"Eau de Ghoul? And I was just starting to enjoy it.† Hugh nodded at her, switching from gentle humor to gentle gravity as always. â€Å"You need to do what will keep your cover here. I shouldn’t be so impatient.† Jez took the fastest shower of her life, then dressed in clean clothes she’d brought to the bathroom. As she returned carrying a glassful of ice from the kitchen and a washcloth, she saw that Claire’s bedroom door was ajar and Claire was watching her narrowly. Jez raised the glass in a mock toast, and slipped into her own bedroom. â€Å"Here.† She made an ice pack and handed it to Hugh. He accepted it docilely. â€Å"Now, what is it that’s so urgent? And how come you’re so popular with ghouls all of a sudden?† Instead of answering, Hugh looked into a middle distance. He was bracing himself for something. Finally he lowered the ice pack and looked straight at her. â€Å"You know I care about you. If anything happened to you, I don’t know what I’d do. And if anything happened because of me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He shook his head. Jez told her heart to get down where it belonged. It was pounding in her throat, choking her. She kept her voice flat as she said, â€Å"Thanks.† Something like hurt flashed in his eyes and was gone instantly. â€Å"You don’t think I mean it.† Jez still spoke flatly, in a clipped, hurried voice. She wasn’t good at talking about emotional stuff. â€Å"Hugh, look. You were my first human friend. When I came to live here, nobody at Circle Daybreak would have anything to do with me. I don’t blame them-not after the things my gang did to humans. But it was hard because they wouldn’t even talk to me, much less trust me, and they wouldn’t believe I wanted to help them. And then you showed up that day after school. And you did talk to me-â€Å" â€Å"And I did trust you,† Hugh said. â€Å"And I still do.† He looked distant again. â€Å"I thought you were the saddest person I’d ever seen, and the most beautiful-and the bravest. I knew you wouldn’t betray Circle Daybreak.† And that’s why I love you, Jez thought before she could stop herself. It was easier to live with if she didn’t put it into words. Because it was hopeless, of course. You couldn’t hang on to an Old Soul. Nobody could-not unless they were one of those tiny fraction of people who were soulmates. Wakened Old Souls were too†¦ old. They knew too much, had seen too much to get attached to any one person. Much less a person who was tainted with vampire blood. So all she said was â€Å"I know. That’s why I work with Circle Daybreak. Because you convinced them I wasn’t some kind of spy for the Night World. I owe you, Hugh. And-I believe you care about me.† Because you care about everybody, she added silently. Hugh nodded, but he didn’t look any happier. â€Å"It’s about something dangerous. Something I don’t want to ask you to do.† He dug into his jeans pocket and came up with a thick packet of what looked like folded newspaper articles. He held it out to her. Jez took it, frowned, then paged through the first few articles. Headlines jumped out at her. â€Å"‘Four-year old dies in coyote attack.’ ‘Record heatwave in Midwest; hundreds hospitalized.’ ‘Mother confesses: I killed my babies.’ ‘Mystery virus erupts in eastern U.S.: Scientists baffled.'† There were lots more, but she didn’t look at them. She looked at Hugh, her eyebrows drawn together. â€Å"Thanks for sharing this. Am I supposed to fight the coyote or the virus?† His lips smiled, but his eyes were bottomless and frighteningly sad. â€Å"Nobody can fight what’s happening-at least not in the ordinary way. And all that’s just the beginning.† â€Å"Of what?† She loved Hugh, but sometimes she wanted to strangle him. Old Souls loved being mysterious. â€Å"Have you noticed the weather lately? It’s either floods or droughts. Record cold days in winter, record heat in the summer. Record number of hurricanes and tornadoes. Record snowfall and hail. It just gets weirder and weirder every year.† â€Å"Well-sure.† Jez shrugged. â€Å"They talk about it on TV all the time. But it doesn’t mean any-â€Å" â€Å"And the earth’s being disturbed, too. Earthquakes. Volcanoes. Last year four dormant volcanoes erupted and there were dozens of major quakes.† Jez narrowed her eyes. â€Å"Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And there’s another weird thing, even though it’s not as obvious. You have to kind of dig a little to get to the statistics. There’s been an increase in animal attacks all over the world. All kinds of animals.† He tapped the pile of newspaper articles. â€Å"This coyote attack-a couple of years ago you never heard about coyotes killing kids. Just like you never heard of mountain lions attacking adults. But now it’s happening, and it’s happening everywhere.† Prickles of unease were going up Jez’s arms. It was true, what Hugh was saying. Not that she’d paid much attention to the human news when she was a vampire-but it did seem as if animal attacks were getting more frequent. â€Å"A bunch of elephants stomped their trainers last year,† she said slowly. â€Å"Dog attacks are up four hundred percent,† Hugh said. â€Å"According to the California state police. In New Mexico there’s an epidemic of rabid bats. In Florida they’ve had seven tourists killed by alligators since last January-and believe me, that information was hard to find. Nobody wanted to report it† â€Å"I bet.† â€Å"Then there are the insects. We’re seeing more and more people get attacked by them. Killer bees. Fire ants. Tiger mosquitoes-and, no, I’m not joking. They’re for real, and they carry dengue fever, a really nasty disease.† â€Å"Hugh†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Which brings me to diseases. You have to have noticed that. There are new diseases popping up all over. Ebola. Mad cow disease. That flesh-eating bacteria. Hanta viruses. Lassa. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. You bleed from your ears and nose and mouth and into the whites of your eyes-â€Å" Jez opened her mouth to say â€Å"Hugh† again, but he was racing on, his chest rising and falling quickly, his gray eyes almost feverish. â€Å"And they’re resistant to antibiotics the same way that the insects are resistant to pesticides. They’re all mutating. Changing. Getting stronger and more deadly. And-â€Å" â€Å"Hugh.† She got it in while he took a breath. â€Å"-there’s a hole in the ozone.† He looked at her. â€Å"What?† â€Å"What does it all mean?† It means that things are changing. Spiraling out of control. Heading for†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He stopped and looked at her. â€Å"Jez, it’s not those things themselves that are the problem. It’s what’s behind them.† â€Å"And what is behind them?† Hugh said simply, â€Å"The Old Powers are rising.† Chills swept over Jez. The Old Powers. The Ancient Magic that had controlled the universe in the old days of the Night World. No one could see or know the Old Powers; they were forces of nature, not people. And they had been sleeping like giant dragons for thousands of years ever since humans had gained control of the world. If they were waking up again now†¦ If magic was coming back again, everything would change. â€Å"It shows in different weird ways,† Hugh went on. â€Å"Night People are getting more powerful. Lots of them have noticed it. And they say the soulmate principle is back.† The soulmate principle. The idea that for every person there was one destined soulmate, one true love, and that the two souls were bound for eternity. Jez lifted her shoulders and dropped them without meeting Hugh’s eyes. â€Å"Yeah, I heard. Don’t believe it, though.† â€Å"I’ve seen it,† Hugh said, and for a moment Jez’s heart stopped. Then it started again as he continued, â€Å"In other people, I mean. I’ve seen people our age who found their soulmate, and it’s really true; you can see it in their eyes. The Old Powers really are rising, Jez†¦ for good and for evil. That’s what’s behind all these other changes.† Jez sat very still. â€Å"And so what happens if they keep rising?† â€Å"What happens is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hugh paused and then looked at her. â€Å"It means a time of darkness is coming,† he said simply. â€Å"A time-?† â€Å"Of serious darkness. The worst. We’re talking the end of the world, here.† Jez could feel gooseflesh on the back of her neck, where her wet hair touched her skin. She might have been tempted to laugh if it were anybody else telling her this. But it was Hugh, and he wasn’t joking. She had no desire to laugh. â€Å"But then it’s all over,† she said. â€Å"There’s nothing we can do. How can anybody stop the end of the world?† â€Å"Well.† He ran a quick hand through his hair, pushing it off his forehead. â€Å"That’s why I’m here. Because I’m hoping you can.† How to cite Night World : Huntress Chapter 5, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Heidegger Lecture 2 and 3 of What Is Called Thinking free essay sample

Sarah Oliver Presentation Heidegger April 19, 2012 In Lecture I of Part II, Heidegger points out that asking the question of â€Å"What is called thinking† can be incredibly diverse and complicated because there is not just one explanation for the question, although at a glance it seems pretty simple to explain. He stresses four ways in which the question can be posed. The first way asks what is designated by the word â€Å"thinking,† the second asks what logic has to do with thought, the third asks what the prerequisites are for thinking, and the final question is what actually commands and provokes us to think? It seems that thinking is like baking a cake for Heidegger, no ingredient is more important than the other, just like no question of thinking should be taken more seriously than the other. These four propositions of thinking are all interrelated and connected in some way because they all have one central common theme. We will write a custom essay sample on Heidegger Lecture 2 and 3 of What Is Called Thinking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The best way that I can think of to describe this common theme that they share is to say that the fourth question of â€Å"What is it that calls on us to think? † is basically the flour of this cake that Heidegger is making. It is a precursor to the other three questions surrounding logic and prerequisites and designations of thinking, but it should not be considered above the others. It is the decisive question and the other three are connected by the fact that they belong together within the question of, â€Å"What calls us to think. † The multiple meanings of the question â€Å"What is called thinking? † and â€Å"What calls on us to think? † is this problem we have with the verb â€Å"to call. † Calling directs us toward an action or a non-action and does not fade away like a cry or a sound. A call can make a demand whereas a cry and a sound cannot. We must move away from looking at the verb to call in its more commonly used setting with the definition of â€Å"that is to say. † In phrase, â€Å"That building is called Payson Smith† or, â€Å"That town is called Portland† the verb call is meant with the identification of an object or a place. Heidegger notes a less common and more powerful usage of â€Å"to call† which means to set in motion or to get underway. When the question: â€Å"What is called thinking? † is reconsidered in Heidegger terms, it might better be read as asking, â€Å"What is it that invites or instructs or directs us into thinking? or in Heidegger’s own words, â€Å"What is it that appeals to us to think? † By asking this question, the thinker becomes the object of the action, the one who is invited into thinking and the action is less about defining what thinking is than in discovering how it is that the pathway into thinking is opened for us. In Lecture II, Heidegger focuses his attention on the word thinking and what is considered thought provoking. Thinking is a telling and speaking of language. Literature is often used as a medium for both science and poetry and for that reason there is some confusion between what is actually thought provoking. The three should be separated. There is science, there is thought, and there is poetry and the difference between poetry and science is that poetic work is a work of our language much like thinking is, although thinking does not make poetry. Thought and poesy are related because they never just use language as a means of expression, they are the actual makers of language and the final speech. We view science as thinking because we are immersed in it throughout our everyday lives. Car companies are trying to make cars more efficient and doctors are trying to figure out how to cure cancer. We are trying to save our world without actually being in our world. Modern science itself is grounded in the nature of technology and how we use the world around us instead of how to be in the world around us. Science is a precursor to having the more efficient car, to having the newest and greatest cell phone, to breakthroughs in medical science but it uses language as a product instead of an original expression. We hardly look at a tree and think, â€Å"Wow, I wonder what it would be like to be a tree. † As humans we have that power to ask the question, instead, we resort to thinking of the quickest way to cut it down and turn it into paper.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Hitchickers Guide...3 Essays - , Term Papers

The Hitchickers Guide...3 The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. Thought many of the concepts are slightly abstract and obscure, the book itself is a truly great work. The basic idea is that the day we meet our adventurous crew is the single worst Thursday of Arthur Dents life. Sadly, it is not just Arthur who will be having a bad day. You see, it is this Thursday when the earth gets destroyed. Of all the billions of people on the planet, there was only one who knew what was to take place, and he himself was not even from earth. Ford Prefect, best friend of Arthur is a smooth talking quick thinking person for the remote planet of Betelgeuse five. As you were probably able to infer, Ford Prefect was not the name given to him by his parents, but instead the name of a car that was never popular, which he chose as his moniker, as to better fit in with the humans of earth. Our story begins with Arthur waking up early at his London flat (it was a British book). This was just like any other Thursday, except that outside, a demolition crew was beginning to destroy his house so that they will be able to create a highway bypass. This was news to Arthur. He did not know how they could do this without even warning him first. Upon questioning the foreman of the job, he was informed that the plans had been on record in the planning office for months. Sadly, the plans had been kept in the cellar where there is no nights, or stairs for that matter, in a disused lavatory, in the bottom of a locked file cabinet, with a sign that says Beware of the leopard. Arthurs decision at this point was to lie in front of the bulldozer, so that, without killing him, it would be impossible to destroy the house. Just at this point, Ford Prefect enters the scene. He tells Arthur that it is imperative that he goes to the bar with him, because after he tells him the news, he will need a stiff drink. Arthur explains the situation, and quickly Ford comes up with a plan. He makes a deal with the for eman that, since with Arthur there, they would not be able to do anything all day, they have resolved to just stand around and do nothing all day. So, it was not important weather or not Arthur was actually present. So they agreed that they would not knock down his house until he got back. Arthur could not decide whether or not to trust him. Ford assured him he could trust him to the end of the earth which was about ten minutes. Unknown to Arthur, ford was a writer for the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, a type of encyclopedia chronicling the high and low points of every planet, and how to get about them for free. He had been doing research on earth for the last several years. Recently he had received a transmission over his sub-ether radio, which told him what was to take place in just a few short minutes. Arthur and Ford hurried off to the bar, and Ford explained what was about to happen. Ironically, the planet was set to be destroyed in order to build an interstellar bypass. And who better to destroy the planet, than a fleet of Vogons. The Vogons were a race from the outer edges of the spiral arm. They had virtually no conscience, worked for cheep, had hugs ships of mass destruction, and had perfected a type of poetry which was so horrific, when read, the writer's small intestine has been known to crawl out of their throat and strangle them. Well, the Vogons came, and made short work of our blue/green planet, but before that happened, Arthur and Ford were able to hitch a ride and stow away on one of the Vogon vessels. As you would assume, Arthur is fairly confused at the whole situation. Ford explains to him that he is from the planet of Betelgeuse, which, as anyone would suspect continued to surprise and confuse

Monday, November 25, 2019

Weathering Defined and Explained

Weathering Defined and Explained Weathering is the gradual destruction of rock under surface conditions, dissolving it, wearing it away or breaking it down into progressively smaller pieces. Think of the Grand Canyon or the red rock formations scattered across the American Southwest.  It  may involve physical processes, called mechanical weathering, or chemical activity, called chemical weathering.  Some geologists  also include the actions of living things, or organic weathering. These organic weathering forces can be classified  as mechanical or chemical or a combination of both. Mechanical Weathering Mechanical weathering involves five major  processes that physically  break rocks down into sediment or particles: abrasion, crystallization of ice, thermal fracture, hydration shattering, and exfoliation. Abrasion occurs from grinding against other rock particles. Crystallization of ice can result in force sufficient enough to fracture rock. Thermal fracture may occur due to significant temperature changes. Hydration the effect of water predominantly affects clay minerals. Exfoliation occurs when rock is unearthed after its formation.   Mechanical weathering does not just affect the earth. It can also affect some brick and stone buildings over time.   Chemical Weathering Chemical weathering involves the  decomposition or decay of rock. This type of  weathering doesnt break rocks down but rather alters its chemical composition through carbonation, hydration, oxidation or hydrolysis. Chemical weathering changes the composition of the rock toward surface minerals and mostly affects minerals that were unstable in the first place.  For example, water can eventually dissolve limestone. Chemical weathering  can occur in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and it  is an element of chemical erosion.   Organic Weathering Organic weathering is sometimes called bioweathering or biological weathering. It involves factors such as contact with animals- when they dig in the dirt- and plants when their growing roots contact rock. Plant acids can also  contribute to  the dissolution of rock.   Organic weathering isnt a process that stands alone. Its a combination of mechanical weathering factors and chemical weathering factors.   The Result of Weathering Weathering can range from a change in color all the way to a  complete breakdown of minerals into clay and other surface minerals. It  creates deposits of altered and loosened material  called residue  that is ready to undergo transportation,  moving across the earths surface when propelled by water, wind, ice or gravity  and thus becoming  eroded. Erosion means weathering plus transportation at the same time. Weathering is necessary for erosion, but a rock may weather without undergoing erosion.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Apple Inc. Health and Safety Measures Research Paper

Apple Inc. Health and Safety Measures - Research Paper Example The company is not free of controversies as it has been criticized for its business practices, labor, practices and its own environmental practices, some of them revealing horrific experiences. Particularly, where touch screens are produced, campaigners reveal horrific injuries that say they suffered due to being exposed to deplorable working conditions in factories which are said to have led to some of the staff committing suicide in the last two years. Protests have been seen in areas such as outside a flagship store in Hong Kong as pictures have allegedly shown injuries suffered under terrible conditions as well in Hezhou, China. Recent complaints and campaign by SATCOM add on the many complaints that have been aired in relation to the ill-treatment of employees in the apple Smartphone producing companies in china. One of the assertions of SATCOM is that the employees are forced to work for long hours; 11 hours a day, seven days a week and with just a 24hour break at the end of th e month. The SATCOM activists assert that the factories making Apple iPads and iPhones in China resulted to asking employees to sign pledges not to commit suicide, (Keize, 2013). This was attributed to 14 workers committing suicide 16months after employment on the basis of poor working conditions and inhumane treatment in the factories.... ent in the factories (Daily Mail Reporter, 2013) In addition, interviews with 170 workers and supervisors in several Foxconn factories in Shenzen and Zhengshou show that punishments are the primary management tools in the factories as SACOM (Students and Scholars against Corporate Misbehavior) says the workers had often been told to clean toilets, sweep lawns and confessions pinned on the notice boards or red out to colleagues, The Foxconn campus dormitories retain their pathetic living conditions with 20-39 workers sharing three bedroom flats; sleeping eight in a room in bunk beds. The workers are also not allowed to use electric items such as kettles or laptops and as well not allowed to sit when working as standing is ascertained as a means to keep them nimble enough to do their work effectively and for long, as reported by The Guardian, (2012). Other complaints in the media concerning the employee and Apple products users’ welfare include a recent story in the newspapers c oncerning an attempt by Apple to replace chargers in UK after iPhone injuries were reported on the use of the chargers. This followed after massive reports of people serious injured from faulty phone chargers; the chargers were said to have exploded on the users’ face as they connected them for charging. For example, the report from china asserts that a woman suffered eye injuries after her iPhone exploded on her face while talking on the phone. This is an indication that Apple has been providing faulty products to consumers and are thus in a hurry to fix the problem by replacing the faulty chargers (Apple Inc. 2013). Another related issue is the resend lawsuit by a woman on Apple on the assertion that her iPhone exploded on her face. This occurred while lying on her bed with the iPhone beside

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Postmodernism- Derrida, Foucault and Rorty Essay

Postmodernism- Derrida, Foucault and Rorty - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism- Derrida, Foucault and Rorty" examines how do philosophers Derrida, Foucault and Rorty differ in their views. Though Derrida, Foucault and Rorty tend to differ in an array of ways, still their postmodern views do evince a similarity in the sense that their philosophies do starkly come out as being a potent reaction against the salient philosophical values and assumptions that the modern period of the Western history does affiliate to. The philosophies of Derrida, Foucault and Rorty do carry a single thread in the sense that they are marked by a stark skepticism and a pervasive suspicion of the power of reason. The strategy of deconstruction contrived by Derrida does practically amount to a staunch critique of the philosophical traditions that hitherto signified the Western philosophy. The strategy of deconstruction not only does tend to expose any literary or philosophical text, but by doing so it also does vehemently try to subvert it by exposing the varied binary oppositions that envelop the salient Western ways of thinking about and perceiving reality. The technique of deconstruction tends to attempt a textual interpretation of a text, with the intent to bring to fore the alternative meanings hidden in that text. It is not a surprise that Derrida’s â€Å"idea of â€Å"deconstructing text† has had a very wide influence". In continuation of a similar skeptical sentiment, Foucault did study the salient power structures that governed an array of social institutions.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Tourism in Nova Scotia Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism in Nova Scotia - Case Study Example Shirley Young, Lelang Ott and Barbara Fergin have identified six distinct market segments from among all Americans travelers who visit Canada. This information has been published in a paper titled "Some Practical Consideration in Market Segmentation", which appeared in the August 1978 issue of the Journal of Marketing (Czinkota, Ronkainen. P-633). Of the six segments that have been identified four segments can be recognized as being a prospective customer base for Nova Scotia. The benefit Matching model suggests that Nova Scotia has all possible attributes that can satisfy travelers from each of the four prospective segments (See Table Below). Nova Scotia is a land of contrast therefore it can provide a variety of benefits to visitors. The entire province has a long scenic coastline with the Bay of Fundy serving as a special attraction because of unusually high high-tides that occur in the region. The interior of the province has natural forests and mountain ranges which allow visitors to observe the wild life or enjoy a memorable trekking and cycling experience. The rich history and the cultural heritage of the province provide foreigners with a unique experience. The extensive coastline presents abundant options for any one seeking water sports. Due to the diverse benefits that it offers Nova Scotia can provide a 100% satisfaction where benefits are concerned. (Destination Southwest Nova.com) Therefore a super match is obtained for each of the four market segments when the benefit matching model is applied (See Table Above). Family Sightseers, Outdoor Vacationers, resort Vacationers and Foreign Vacationers constitute 70% of the total US citizens who visit Nova Scotia. Therefore these segments are vital for Nova Scotia and the promotional campaign must be designed with this in mind. An Analysis of Prior Positioning Attempts for Promotion of Tourism in Nova Scotia and Recommendations for Improvement of Promotional Strategy There has never been constancy in the promotional strategy implemented by Nova Scotia's tourism authority. The frequent change in positioning has resulted in minimum impact where rise in market share is concerned; lack of constancy has also contributed to creating a confused image of the province in the minds of its potential customers. The earlier promotions have concentrated on benefits without any concern for the uniqueness of the place. Some examples of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Providing Leadership in an Organisation

Providing Leadership in an Organisation Providing leadership for a team in an organisation       Task one 1. Give your brief history of your organisation and your role in organisation? United Flower Growers Ltd (UFG) is a company formed by the combination of grower-owned companies United Flower Auction Limited, and the flower operational arm of Market Gardeners Limited creating a truly unique and well-structured marketing organization that is totally focused to the needs of the New Zealand Flower Industry. It is located in 500 MT wellington highway in mt wellington. I am working as a supervisor in the company which is really hard for me I have to do lots of work to arrange auction. We arrange 3 auctions in a week. Auctions start at 6 am but we have to load the trollies before the auction so we start working at 3 am. UFG currently runs two physical in-house auction systems in Auckland and wellington. This auction runs on the Dutch Auction Method using an electronic clock system with the aid of an auctioneer. The clock descends anti-clockwise from a set start price and then decreasing in price until a buyer is wants to make a bid and accept the purchase price. The big advantage of this system is the speed, accuracy and fairness of the sales process. Fresh flowers are delivered the day before, overnight or early morning prior to the start of the auction. The flowers are sold on a non-preferential basis. The flowers are sold on a non-preferential basis. This means that provided product is received prior to the auction cut off time, the flowers can be sold at any time during the auction. Q2.state your Organisation visions and values, and then explain them in a way that is meaningful and would be understood to your team? Visions As an industry-owned company, our goals and objectives are almost identical to those of our suppliers and customers and to be alive in the flower industry for the 50 years. We will continue to work as industry partners with all involved in the NZ flower industry. Values Be friendly to customers. Responsible to your job Punctual to work Co-operative with other staff management. Name and fame of company. Q3.How do you know that your team understand your visions and Values? As a supervisor it is my responsibility to check with my team is they really understand the visions and values of the organisation. It can be done in many ways so I am going to describe following- Meetings- by doing meeting with my team members I can confirm that they got it or not. Feedback- at the end of the month I can take feedback from each staff member to make sure they understand the vision and values. Work performance- I think it is also a best way to make sure everybody is working on the expectations of the company; I can observe or supervise their work they are working good or not. Q4. Describe at least two leadership styles that you have used in the context of your work explain how you chosen your leadership styles influence others in your team to achieve your organisational goals and it is consistent with its visions and values ? Autocratic leadership is a leadership style controlled by individual control to make all the decisions. Autocraticleaders typically make choices based on their ideas and judgments and rarely accept advice from other team members. For example if I want to fire somebody from work whether he is working good or not, if I want to fire him I dont take any advice from anybody I just make my decision. Democratic leadership is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate, ideas are exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged. For example if I want to hire somebody so I will decide with my team members that are there any need to hire somebody or not. Q5. Providing examples of how you model behaviour that are consistent with your organisational visions and values? Group work is depending on the basis of individual partners. They need to trust, respect, and support each other. It can be anything at the workplace for example support and help if anybody need. Sharing Information Communication Patience Honesty Team work Ans6. Personal styles Friendly Every employer has a dream to have employees with glowing behaviours, making management of employees an easy task. Talk nicely with staff and customers. If any problem try to solve it with patience. Co-operative It means to respect, and support each other. It can be anything at the workplace for example support and help if anybody need. Working styles The Social Work Style Helpers The Investigative Work Style Problem solving The Conventional Work Style Organizers The Artistic Work Style Creates more plans Q7.Describe an example of a workplace situation where inconsistent styles were present, however you were able to provide support to individual and teams to achieve consistency? Ans7. I am a supervisor at UFG, as a supervisor I have to face many difficulties and to provide consistency in a team or a workplace is best option is to make team spirit in your working team that everyone in your team is to be friendly to every person of your team. An example for my workers not work properly like be lazy due to any cause I use leadership style democratic first discussing with all the staff about their working by individual meetings or staff meeting then after that see their working if they start working better so it is good but if not then apply autocratic leadership style by straight order to them or give them warning if the last time they do the same then harshly fire them from their job. Assignment Task Two Section 1 A. We can establish a team behavioural expectations and standards with some responsibility if we give responsibility to someone. One of the best key components of establishing a team is to setting expectations for the team members who are coming on my path way. 1. See the members interest in the company problems or anything happen in company that they take part in companys matter or not. 2. See company decision making skills by which you get a simple idea that companys members knows about all the characteristics visions and values of company. 3. The behavioural expectations of the team is seen in the general organisation. B. Yes thee agreed behavioural expectation and standards must be clear and consider and should be recorded in a format that meets your individual teams and organisational requirements. I can see effecting of each person from the gathering and all things considered, in case I see execution drop in a gathering or an individual, and have a meeting with him/her or gathering to energize that individual or gathering moreover help the individual or meeting in accomplishing their points and this improves the execution of the person. C. It must be align to with the organization vision and values it is very important for good work performance. If everybody is working according to the vision and values then we can work nicely. By watching s and groups advance and taking a gander at what objectives have been skilled and in the event that they coordinate with the relations values and vision. Minutes of meetings Staff meeting minutes: Meeting title- issues during work Date Wednesday, 1, March, 2016 Time of the meeting 11:00 am Area of meeting: Staff room Visitors Sandeep Open correspondence: none Attendees: karanvir Singh Sandeep Singh, Rajkawal Singh kamaljit Singh, Mandeep Singh Absentees: Arshdeep Singh, Rajvir singh Planes: 1. Need to look after the customers and satisfy them by giving incredible qualities of organizations. 2. Issue of parking. 3. Talk to the other staff and conform with them where we need more staff. Agenda Scene: auction room Time: 11 am Participants: Manager Happy Supervisor Karanvir Singh Administrator Sandeep Singh Group Leader-Rajvir Singh Minute taker: kawal Singh 1. Customer service 2. Parking issues of colleagues. 3. Need more staff. All agreed. Section 2 A) Problem in the working environment can be a positive technique if managed reasonably. Issues besides, issues are seen and directed in a split second. In the event that I continually ignoring issues that is without a doubt making issues my accomplices it might understand the lessened level of thankfulness between the accomplices and social event pioneer. To guarantee issues of accomplices are watched out for, I equip them with plan of their duties and assets. It is fundamental to screen my social occasion, uninhibitedly and taking all things into account to examine their issues and issues worry with their work and working environment endeavoring to see issues before they wind up being full scale issues. They give me responses on the movement of work and on the off chance that they require additional asset or time to complete the endeavor. Outline: Rajkawal required additional opportunity to arrange on the reference with the client association supplier (alluded to not) as the suppli er was away. B) I guarantee I have a sorted out talk with every individual from the social event and take a gander at any issues or bolster they require secluded from the meeting. Beginning late Dilraj clearly was late at work. On exchange with him I discovered he had transportation issues. Anmol goes from an undefined course from Dilraj and we examined the matter with Anmol why should merry give Dilraj transportation until his auto was settled. C) The achievement of any attempt relies on upon the duties of each individual from the total, yet two or three clusters arrange superior to anything others. Precisely when accomplices have an assessment particular proprietorship in the social event meander, accept that their obligations are respected, additionally, see that the attempt manager contributes nearly and exhibit others how its done, they feel affected to contribute their best work. By allowing to everybody to talk up and to share their contemplations, make everybody a pioneer, being an ordinary illustration and empowering proprietorship, these things demonstrates particularly pleasing to support the partners. I utilize the running with strategy to broaden unrivaled in the social event. I keep records of the progress .To make a region for accomplishment, by purging hindrances, setting an unmistakable vision and giving major mechanical gatherings and arranging. d) I allow my partners to stand up their viewpoints in the midst of our social events. Exactly when the whole assembling should be incorporated at the same time, I explore accord essential authority models. With these, each gathering part has the opportunity to give data and suppositions. All people discuss decisions until we overall agree on an answer. With understanding, theres frequently exchange off. Not everyone gets all that they require out of an official conclusion. Regardless, in light of the fact that everyone has sensible information, the decisions came to are often ones that all can live with. E) Enhance and support (1) Monitoring the work adequately (giving hopeful input and responding to issues in the work with gratefulness and offer) Anmol required additional some assistance with timing to complete his assignment in managing the Customer Service Course Provider. I comprehended that in this way of the inaccessibility of the supplier he was not set up to finish his work inside the time partition and required additional time. (2) Providing socio-anxious fortify (indicating support for a colleagues activities or choices; soothing unsavory conditions for subordinates; mixing; keeping accomplices instructed about upsetting conditions; tending; really appraisals; and uncovering individual data). I saw when Sandeep was not set up to complete his work and was underweight because of transport issues. I procured Sandeep and Manoj for a little espresso meeting to deal with his issue. Anmol was demonstrated support and vitality to help Sandeep. F) Mutual trust among individuals I develop my social affair on the initiate of their lord accomplishment all together for accomplices to regard each other. I see their accomplishment straightforwardly. I dont talk about bungles made by a partner despite his awesome certainty. I have to recognize with him stealthily and exhibit how he can overhaul his execution. Prohibit bits of jibber jabber inside the social event, keeping an open ear to stories which can contain hurting, adversarial or too much individual information on any individual from the get-together. This can be a basic inability to our social event. I ensure all individuals are overseen correspondingly as and no twofold standard obliged to any one individual from the social occasion. Distribute work in sensible way. Solve clashes in ace way. G) Encourage new thoughts that encourage viable cooperation I make a working environment where all suggestion, obligations and activities are welcome from specialists at all levels of the affiliation. I hold social affairs to create new considerations. Compensate staff for their exertion by offering impelling forces e.g. I gave Anmol trade compensate for getting out a Customer Benefit Course Provider who engineered with us and gave us an arrangement which was less exorbitant than some other relationship in our general region. Section 3 A) I interface with individuals outside the social occasion utilizing fitting correspondence channels. If they have an inclination for email, I email to interface with them or telephone call, faxet cetera. I do plan key delegates inside our social event on the best way to deal with manage the general people when observing request on touchy issues. In addition I utilize studies and reviews to assess and address issues. B) Some techniques for correspondence from people outside our gathering are by methods for email, phone calls, verbal correspondences, surveys, studies et cetera. C) With the cut-off points and experience and being an old staff of our organization together, karan was hopeless about his wages. There hadnt been any improvement to his pay inside the latest year. With the creating workload he was expecting a remuneration rise soon. He was crying of this matter on a few occasions. Associates were beginning to get exasperated by his difficulties. I had information from the head concerning the issue. I had visits with the money and back division if there can be pay climb in weeks to come. i promised them that Surjit is a resolute worker and no doubt we are experiencing workload starting at now. It is sensible to give him a compensation rise. Since contradictions and emerges are inescapable from social affairs, the best methodology is urging accomplices to learn sharpens that offer them some assistance with working through clashes and keep up careful working relationship in the meantime. D. The second issue was, there was a two individuals, one of my area of skill and the other of the other division were having strife with each other over some negligible issue and they were the primary communicators in the middle of both the offices they conveyed each others specializations data and were in this way essential in correspondence inside the offices and for the powerful working of the organization as they having a few issues with each other they used to overlook imperative datas sent from each other or werent notwithstanding sending any and were reprimanding each other for the disappointment which cost the association a lot as far as customers and notoriety, then they both were called attempted to mollify them two and instructed them to be proficient in work and on the off chance that they didnt work appropriately and the organization endures any further misfortunes they will be ended from there on they kept that hatred out of the workplace and began working legitimately . E. The healing move made for the principal example was to have a meeting with that representative and educated him regarding the significance of the client benefit and in the event that he doesnt enhances than stern move will be made against him. In the second case I apologized to the client and changed the standard and asked client that we can give the thing at a similar value we have posted on the flag on the off chance that he needs. Reference https://ufg.co.nz/growers https://ufg.co.nz/work/inhouse-auctioning

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Free Richard III Essays: Richard III as a Rapist :: Free Essay Writer

Richard III as a Rapist Yes, King Richard/Duke of Gloucester masters the art of seduction in his wooing of Lady Anne. And when I say, "masters the art," I guess I mean that he achieves his conquest. But is seduction really the prevailing theme throughout Richard III? I propose that we be careful when we say that Richard is a great seducer, for is it seduction or rape when one's consent is not given? For instance, Lord Hastings, the Duke of Clarence, the young princes, Queen Margaret, and other seeming "seducees," were they seduced or forced? Most interesting to me, would be the Duke of Buckingham. I really can't determine which side of the issue he falls on. I would be most apt to consider him a disloyal, dishonest, money-grubbing, power mongerish, usurper if anything. And would almost admit that he could be conned into doing just about anything if there were to be some gain for his own. He begins his part in the play with thoughts of "atonement" (I.iii.36). He cries, "peace, peace, for shame! If not for charity" to the Queen Margaret when she beseeches him to "take heed of yonder dog [Richard]" (I.iii.272,288). Then when Richard asks him what Queen Margaret is saying, he replies with, "Nothing that I respect, my gracious Lord" (I.iii.294). THEN, what is up with his speech of loyalty to King Edward? He goes on and on about how if he should EVER be "cold in love," to the King and his family, then "deep, treacherous, and full of guile" should he be (I.iv.38-40). He goes straight from this loyalty to committing Lord Rivers, Lord Grey and Sir Thomas Vughan to prison. He rants and raves at the Cardinal for not tearing the young Duke of York from his mother's arms. Finally he engineers the death of Hastings with Gloucester/Richard and sets everything into motion for his coronation. Is he seduced, is he forced, or does he just do what he wishes on whim, hoping that in the end, everything will turn out for his ultimate gain? I suppose the answer to my question lies in the dialogue betwixt the newly crowned King Richard and Buckingham, when Buckingham is confronted with the assignment of killing the two young princes. If Buckingham could have made known his intentions to the King then we would know if he was a seducee, or a forced man.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Effect of Rmb Internationalization

Effects on China Advantages : Enterprises in China Enterprises in China may benefit a lot from the internationalization of Renmibi. First of all, the cost of currency exchange can be saved and the risk of exchange rate of using of other currencies can be reduced, if Renminbi become a trade settlement. Also, RMB as an investment currency, if foreign assets increased demand of it ,China can reduce the interest rates of RMB assets, thereby reducing their financing costs, and further, companies can go overseas to issue RMB-denominated bonds, thereby expanding the scope of financing and address the problem of currency mismatch. Furthermore, Domestic firms can use the RMB to invest abroad, to achieve Chinese enterprises â€Å"going out† strategy, integrating into the global economy. People’s Republic of China China may have quite a lot of advantages from it too. First, it may enhance the international status of China through internationalization of Renminbi by increasing China's voice in the international community and the influence of China in international economy, as the internationalization of its currency may promote the expansion of China’s financial service sector. Also, China may collect ‘ seigniorage’from the rest of world, which ‘ seigniorage’ defined as the margin between the denomination of the notes and the cost of issuing the notes obtained by the note issuer, if RMB get commodity pricing, which can use it to buy the worldwide resources and avoid U. S. dollar liquidity constraints, that leads to expansion of seigniorage revenue. More, China has accumulated foreign exchange reserves to ease the pressure, reduce the risk of reserve assets shrink, reducing the dependence of other countries (mainly U. S. ). China's foreign exchange reserves, mostly are U. S. overnment bonds, which makes China and U. S. in a delicate state. After global financial crisis , the Chinese foreign exchange reserves shrink every moments, but China is not found in other better investment options, holding dollar debt is the best choice for China at this moment. Financial organizations The financial organization may also take advantages throug h RMB internationalization. First, the import and export trade companies for RMB provide clearing services and financing for foreign importers to provide support to the RMB business so as to expand the scope of commercial banks and to increase the profits of commercial banks. Furthermore, The existence of economies of scope to improve the competitiveness of financial institutions, and the increased use of offshore yuan to improve market liquidity, more importantly, the central bank can protect the lender of last resort to provide liquidity for financial institutions to protect, Chinese financial institutions to reduce foreign exchange liquidity risk, which together with the economies of scope to improve the overseas Chinese financial institutions to conduct renminbi business competitiveness. Also, RMB overseas demand also contributed to the innovation of financial instruments and the development of renminbi derivatives market. Last nut not the least, it may benefit from increasing the influence of China's financial markets, and promote international financial center , like Shanghai, as well as an offshore financial center, Hong Kong, the development of renminbi, the Chinese financial markets and further integrate into the international financial markets. Disadvantages PRC government The PRC government , however, still has to face some challenges in order to achieve RMB internationalization. First of all, as China’s capital markets are still too shallow, any significant changes in cross-border capital flows may easily lead to large fluctuations in China’s asset prices. Overseas demand challenges the RMB of China's monetary policy , while people who holds the RMB assets may cause the increase of cross-border capital flows and exchange rate fluctuations, and thus affects the stability of China's financial system. Also, if a currency is fully internationalized, which means that it can easily be obtained in international financial markets, the country with an internationalized currency will be very vulnerable to speculative attacks from international speculators. More, â€Å"hot money† will enter China causing economic crisis. As Hot money will lead to economic crisis in China's property market and the stock market, as investors consider more to invest their money in high-return business. Like Guangzhou Tang Hang Metal Materials Co. , Ltd. eferred payment for imported goods in China so as to profit from the appreciation of the renminbi. Experts said that China's foreign exchange regulations, the RMB settlement may make this form of arbitrage is more profitable, because the company can enjoy a more favorable foreign exchange rate. According to the monetary policy report from the central bank( page 16), China was trying to fix the problem of hot money. ‘ â€Å" † , 2010 ? 11 ,2011 ? 3 , ?2011 ’ From Second quarter of the monetary policy report from People’s bank of China Last but not the least, it is more difficult for China to control the inflation rate. China's battle to curb inflation even more difficult, because People Bank of China must print more RMB to buy dollars flowing into the country. China has more than 6% inflation. And Beijing want to precisely control the level to curb the appreciation of the yuan revaluation, but the internationalization of the RMB has given tremendous upward pressure. Brookings Institution China scholar Prasad (Eswar Prasad) said that the management and increase appreciation of the RMB yuan in international trade and financial transactions of the importance, both in the short term this is a contradiction. According to the monetary policy report from the central bank, (page 1 ), there is still pressure in controlling the amount of RMB. ‘ , , 5 ,M2 M1 4. 6 8. 5 6 , ,M2 M1 0. 8 0. 4 , †¦.. ’ From Second quarter of the monetary policy report from People’s bank of China

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Ultimate Guide to the AP Statistics Exam

The Ultimate Guide to the AP Statistics Exam SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you taking AP Statistics? If so, you're likely wondering what to expect from the AP Statistics exam. Before you sit down to take the final test, it's important to understand how the AP Stats test is formatted, what topics it will cover, and how it'll be scored. This guide will explain all of that information, show you official sample problems and give you tips on the best way to prepare for the AP Statistics test. In 2020, the AP Statistics exam will take place on Friday, May 15th at 12:00pm. How Is the AP Statistics Exam Structured? How long is the AP Statistics exam? The test is a total of three hours long and contains two sections: multiple choice and free response. You're allowed a graphing calculator for the entire exam. Multiple-Choice Section 40 multiple-choice questions 90 minutes long Worth 50% of exam score You can spend an average of a little more than two minutes on each multiple-choice question and finish the section in time. Free-Response Section 5 short-answer questions 1 Investigative Task 90 minutes long Worth 50% of exam score The five short-answer questions are meant to each be solved in about 12 minutes, and the Investigative Task is meant to be solved in about 30 minutes. What Does the AP Statistics Exam Test You On? The content of the AP Stats exam and course is centered around four major topics. Below are the four topics, along with what percentage of the exam will be on them and all the topics that fall beneath each of them. The list covers every single topic that the AP Statistics exam could test you on. #1: Exploring Data: Describing Patterns and Departures From Patterns (20-30%) Constructing and interpreting graphical displays of distributions of univariate data (dotplot, stemplot, histogram, cumulative frequency plot) Center and spread Clusters and gaps Outliers and other unusual features Shape Summarizing distributions of univariate data Measuring center: median, mean Measuring spread: range, interquartile range, standard deviation Measuring position: quartiles, percentiles, standardized scores (z-scores) Using boxplots The effect of changing units on summary measures Comparing distributions of univariate data (dotplots, back-to-back stemplots, parallel boxplots) Comparing center and spread: within group, between group variation Comparing clusters and gaps Comparing outliers and other unusual features Comparing shapes Exploring bivariate data Analyzing patterns in scatterplots Correlation and linearity Least-squares regression line Residual plots, outliers, and influential points Transformations to achieve linearity: logarithmic and power transformations Exploring categorical data Frequency tables and bar charts Marginal and joint frequencies for two-way tables Conditional relative frequencies and association Comparing distributions using bar charts #2: Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and Conducting a Study (10-15%) Planning and conducting experiments Characteristics of a well-designed and well-conducted experiment Treatments, control groups, experimental units, random assignments and replication Sources of bias and confounding, including placebo effect and blinding Completely randomized design Randomized block design, including matched pairs design Overview of methods of data collection Census Sample survey Experiment Observational study Planning and conducting surveys Characteristics of a well-designed and well-conducted survey Populations, samples, and random selection Sources of bias in sampling and surveys Sampling methods, including simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling Generalizability of results and types of conclusions that can be drawn from observational studies, experiments, and surveys #3: Anticipating Patterns: Exploring Random Phenomena Using Probability and Simulation (20-30%) The normal distribution Properties of the normal distribution Using tables of the normal distribution The normal distribution as a model for measurements Probability Interpreting probability, including long-run relative frequency interpretation "Law of Large Numbers" concept Addition rule, multiplication rule, conditional probability, and independence Discrete random variables and their probability distributions, including binomial and geometric Simulation of random behavior and probability distributions Mean (expected value) and standard deviation of a random variable, and linear transformation of a random variable Combining independent random variables Notion of independence versus dependence Mean and standard deviation for sums and differences of independent random variables Sampling distributions Sampling distribution of a sample proportion Sampling distribution of a sample mean Central Limit Theorem Sampling distribution of a difference between two independent sample proportions Sampling distribution of a difference between two independent sample means Simulation of sampling distributions t-distribution Chi-square distribution #4: Statistical Inference: Estimating Population Parameters and Testing Hypotheses (30-40%) Estimation (point estimators and confidence intervals) Estimating population parameters and margins of error Properties of point estimators, including unbiasedness and variability Logic of confidence intervals, meaning of confidence level and confidence intervals, and properties of confidence intervals Large sample confidence interval for a proportion Large sample confidence interval for a difference between two proportions Confidence interval for a mean Confidence interval for a difference between two means (unpaired and paired) Confidence interval for the slope of a least-squares regression line Tests of Significance Logic of significance testing, null and alternative hypotheses; p-values; one- and two-sided tests; concepts of Type I and Type II errors; concept of power Large sample test for a proportion Large sample test for a difference between two proportions Test for a mean Test for a difference between two means (unpaired and paired) Chi-square test for goodness of fit, homogeneity of proportions, and independence (one- and two-way tables) Test for the slope of a least-squares regression line AP Statistics Sample Questions As we mentioned above, there are three types of questions on the AP Stats exam: multiple choice, short answer, and investigative task. Below are examples of each question type. You can see more sample questions and answer explanations in the AP Statistics Course Description. Multiple-Choice Sample Question There are 40 multiple-choice questions on the exam. Each has five answer options. Some questions will be accompanied by a chart or graph you need to analyze to answer the question. Short-Answer Sample Question There are five short-answer questions on the AP Stats test. Each of these questions typically includes several different parts you need to answer. You're expected to spend about 12 minutes on each short-answer question. Investigative Task Sample Question The final question on the exam is the Investigative Task question. This is the most in-depth question on the test, and you should spend about 30 minutes answering it. It will have multiple parts you need to answer and require multiple statistics skills. You'll also need to provide a detailed explanation of your answers that shows the strength of your statistics skills. Be sure to show all your work as you'll be graded on the completeness of your answer. How Is the AP Statistics Test Graded? For the multiple-choice part of the exam, you earn one point for each question you answer correctly. There are no point deductions for incorrect answers or questions you leave blank. Official AP graders will grade your free-response questions. Each of the six free-response questions is scored on a scale of 0 to 4 points, so the total section is out of 24 points. The free-response questions are graded holistically, which means, instead of getting a point or half a point for each bit of correct information you include, graders look at your answer to each question as a "complete package," and your grade is awarded on the overall quality of your answer. The grading rubric for each free-response question is: 4: Complete Response: Shows complete understanding of the problem's statistical components 3: Substantial Response: May include arithmetic errors, but answers are still reasonable and show substantial understanding of the problem's statistical components 2: Developing Response: May include errors that result in some unreasonable answers, but shows some understanding of the problem's statistical components 1: Minimal Response: Misuses or fails to use appropriate statistical techniques and shows only a limited understanding of statistical components by failing to identify important components 0: No Response: Shows little or no understanding of statistical components What does holistic grading mean for you? Basically, you can't expect to earn many points by including a few correct equations or arithmetic answers if you're missing key statistical analysis. You need to show you understand how to use stats to get a good score on these questions. Estimating Your AP Statistics Score If you take a practice AP Stats exam (which you should!) you'll want to get an estimate of what your score on it is so you can get an idea of how well you'd do on the real exam. To estimate your score, you'll need to do a few calculations. 1. Multiply the number of points you got on the multiple-choice section by 1.25 2. For free-response questions 1 through 5, add the number of points you got together and multiply that sum by 1.875 (don't round). If you need help estimating your score, the official free-response questions we linked to above include sample responses to help you get an idea of the score you'd get for each question. 3. For free-response question #6, multiply your score by 3.125. 4. Add the scores you got in steps 1-3 together to get your Composite Score. For example, say you got 30 questions correct on the multiple-choice section, 13 points on questions 1-5, and 2 points on question 6. Your score would be (30 x 1.25) + (13 x 1.875) + (2 x 3.125) = 68.125 which rounds to 68 points. By looking at the chart below, you can see that'd get you a 4 on the AP Statistics exam. Below is a conversion chart so you can see how raw score ranges translate into final AP scores. I've also included the percentage of students who earned each score in 2017 to give you an idea of what the score distribution looks like: Composite Score AP Score Percentage of Students Earning Each Score (2017) 70-100 5 13.6% 57-69 4 15.9% 44-56 3 24.8% 33-43 2 20.2% 0-32 1 25.5% Source: The College Board Where Can You Find Practice AP Stats Tests? Practice tests are an important part of your AP Stats prep. There are official and unofficial AP Stats practice tests available. Below are some of the best practice tests to use. Official Practice Tests 2012 Complete Practice Test 1997 Complete Practice Test Free-Response Questions 1998-2017 Unofficial Practice Tests Barron's Practice Test To learn more about where to find AP Statistics practice tests and how to use them, check out our complete guide to AP Statistics practice exams. 3 Tips for the AP Statistics Exam In this section we go over three of the most useful tips you can use when preparing for and taking the AP Statistics test. Follow these and you're more likely to get a great score on the exam. #1: For Free Response, Answer the Entire Question As we mentioned earlier, free-response questions on AP Stats are graded holistically, which means you'll get one score for the entire question. This is different from many other AP exams where each correct component you include in a free-response question gets you a certain number of points, and those points are then added up to get your total score for that question. The Stats free-response questions are graded holistically because there are often multiple correct answers in statistics depending on how you solve the problem and explain your answer. This means you can't just answer part of the question and expect to get a good score, even if you've answered that part perfectly. If you've ignored a large part of the problem, your score will be low no matter what. So instead of trying to get a point here and there by including a correct formula or solving one part of a question, make sure you're looking at the entire problem and answering it as completely as possible. Also, if you need to include an explanation, be sure it explains your thought process and the steps you took. If your explanation shows you understand important stats concepts, it could help you get a higher score even if your final answer isn't perfect. Aiming for the most complete response possible is also important if you can't answer one part of a question that's needed to answer other parts. For example, if you can't figure out what the answer to part A is, but you need to use that answer for parts B and C, just make up an answer (try to keep it logical), and use that answer to solve the other parts, or explain in detail how you'd solve the problem if you knew what the answer to part A was. If you can show you know how to solve the latter problems correctly, you'll likely get some credit for showing you understand the stats concepts being tested. #2: Know How to Use Your Calculator You'll need a graphing calculator to answer pretty much every question on the Stats exam, so make sure you know how to use it. Ideally, the calculator you use on test day will be the same one you've been doing homework and taking tests with throughout the school year so you know exactly how to use it. Knowing how to solve common stats functions on your calculator and interpret the answers you get will save you a lot of time on the exam. Your calculator will likely be most useful on the multiple-choice section where you don't need to worry about showing work. Just plug in the data you're given into your calculator, and run the right equations. Then you'll have your answer! #3: Know Your Vocabulary You may think that since AP Stats is a math course, vocab won't be an important part of the test, but you need to know quite a few terms to do well on this exam. Confusing right- and left-skewed or random sampling and random allocation, for example, could lead to you losing tons of points on the test. During the school year, stay on top of any new terms you learn in class. Making flashcards of the terms and quizzing yourself regularly is a great way to stay up-to-date on vocab. Many AP Stats prep books also include a glossary of important terms you can use while studying. Before the AP Stats exam, you should know all important terms like the back of your hand. Having a general idea isn't good enough. A big part of stats is being able to support your answers, and to do this you'll often need to use stats vocab in your explanations. Just stating the term won't earn you nearly as many points as being able to explain what the term is and how it supports your answer, so make sure you really know your vocab well. Summary: Statistics AP Exam The AP Statistics exam is three hours long and consists of 40 multiple-choice questions and six free-response questions. The content of the exam covers four main areas: exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference. To prepare well for AP Stats exam questions, it's important to take practice exams and know how to grade them so you can estimate how well you'd do on the actual test. When studying for the AP exam, remember to answer the entire question for free response, know how to use your calculator, and be on top of stats vocabulary. What's Next? Feel the need to do some quick reviewing after looking through what'll be covered on the AP Stats exam? Take a spin through our guide to statistical significance to refresh yourself on how to run a t-test. How difficult is AP Stats compared to other AP classes? Get the answer by reading our guide to the hardest AP exams and classes. Wondering which other math classes you should take besides statistics? Math is often the trickiest subject to choose classes for, but our guide will help you figure out exactly which math classes to take for each year of high school. A prep book can be one of your best study resources for the AP Stats exam. But which prep book should you choose? Check out our guide to AP Stats prep books to learn which is the best and which you should avoid. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

A Molestation Epidemic †Essay

A Molestation Epidemic – Essay Free Online Research Papers If you have a daughter, she has a one in five chance of being sexually abused before she turns twelve. One in five little girls under the age of twelve has been molested nationally by someone claiming the only thing they are guilty of is love. Through this paper, you will find facts and statistics showing that 92% of sexually abused children are not molested by some unknown on the street, but by a relative, close family friend or person of authority. You will discover that most molestations are not one-time offenses but continue for months and sometimes years before ever being disclosed. You will also learn the shockingly high number of white middle to upper-class offenders. This author will explore the offenders control over their victim and attempt to explain the victim’s silence. Lastly, we will look at the ability to rehabilitate and reintegrate sexual predators safely into society. Across our country the statics are startling; one in five female children are molested before reaching the tender age of five. While this appears as a staggering number the truth of the matter is these are only the number of cases reported. Officials feel the numbers are actually closer to one in three nationwide. What is even more alarming is the realization that these children are not targeted by some random individual off the street. In fact, ninety-two percent of molestations are carefully planned out by someone the family knows and trusts. In most cases, this individual is a step-father, father, uncle, cousin or family friend. These offenders lure a child into silence in a plethora of ways; they spend a very long time building trust with the child and family. Molestation isn’t something that just happens; molesters spend a great deal of time grooming the child. The more time they have to groom their victim, the least likely their victim is to speak. Young children are coerced into silence through a variety of different gifts, everything from puppies or kittens to snowboards, jewelry, make-up, a special food treat, or concert. If the offender feels like he might be losing his grip on her silence he will generally threaten harm, but not towards the child, instead to the child’s mother, sibling or favorite pet thus again ensuring obedient silence. Older children if groomed properly tend to become obsessed with the romance of the older man in love with the little girl. The molester will tell the child they love them, want them to replace the woman they are currently with, stress that nobody understands them as well as the child. Promise them everything their parents say no to, drinking, drugs, parties, and helping to hide boyfriends. This method works well with pre-teens and young teens that are trying desperately to establish their identity and want to be taken seriously and treated more maturely. These children are already in puberty, their bodies are changing and they are becoming curious. Male offenders will pray upon this approaching the child with innocent lessons. Playing the â€Å"you don’t want to be a klutz your first-time† card gets the molester in with the child who’s already afraid of disappointing boys with their lack of sexual knowledge. The girls commonly targeted are shy, quiet, and independent. It is thought that this combination in a child creates a doorway for the molester since the child is already antisocial. More often than not molesters are men; however, the number of female molesters is on the rise. Approximately twice as many incidents involve girls rather than boys (Hall). While most young men would view touching or even sex with an older woman as a â€Å"score† or good thing the number of women reported is up by twelve percent over the last five years (Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute). Women offenders generally will target young boys, who are outcasts, loaners, the â€Å"geeks†, boys who are unpopular with the girls. Women offenders will show the boy love and affection, preying on the boys need to feel masculine, telling him he’s her protector, he’s so strong anything that will bolster his self-esteem and cause her to be the object of his affection. The early education of young boys has aided in the increasing numbers of women offenders; however, the larger increase is coming from women molesting girls. Girls tend to be more prone t o report a female offender than a male; experts believe that this is because as girls reach puberty they become more obstinate against their mothers, thus resisting female authority. It has been found that girls who get in trouble at school generally are having problems with another female, either a teacher they think has pushed too far, or a peer that has an opposing view to their own. Another very startling fact to most people is where this heinous act is found. A very common misconception is that only lower class minorities need to worry. In reality, it is exactly the opposite. More reported offenders are Caucasian males of middle or upper class between the ages of 30-50. Your child’s best friend’s father, your brother, your cousin, your husband or your father are all to be considered potential offenders. The most common place form of child molestation is by an immediate family member. In one in seven cases of child molestation, the offender is the male in a father figure role, the biological father, stepfather or adoptive father. One in thirteen reported cases of molestation are uncles, cousins or brothers. (Gretchen Turner, Nora Harlow, and Whitney Gabriel.) Molesters never LOOK like anything but a normal everyday hardworking individual. They are family men, pastors, teachers, coaches people whom everyone assumes is a friend and a safe place for their child. Forty percent of all molestations end in some form of the medical condition, often it is this condition that causes the offender to be revealed. Out of forty percent of molestation cases, three percent end in pregnancy which leads to the prosecution of the offender. One percent results in HIV which as we all know has not only no cure but will generally lead to death. Sixty-three percent are infected with the incurable venereal disease herpes, which generally comes as a shock to parents because with smaller children it’s a very nasty, painful sore that causes them to reveal it to their parents. Fifteen percent are diagnosed with other types of venereal disease’ many putting the child at risk of infertility when they get older. The remaining eighteen percent are either injured or treated for physical problems that again can cause many issues as the girl gets older. In the end, all children need very intense therapy. (Kenneth V. Lanning) While the law has taken a very strong stance on this crime over the last ten years the system is still flawed. While convicted offenders are required by law to register with local authorities around 50% do not. Let us take a brief look at the word convicted. The definition of convicted is transitive verb 1 : to find or prove to be guilty 2 : to convince of error or sinfulness intransitive verb: to find a defendant guilty (2009) . These individual have to be convicted criminally, however, only about 25% of cases are ever actually prosecuted. â€Å"The burden of proof is far too high† says Firestone District Attorney Craig Merrit, â€Å"Juries simply do not want to believe that this crime is happening in their community, or that this man that looks like the epitome of middle-class suburbia could possibly do this to his daughter. They prefer to think that the child saw it on T.V. so it’s happening to them. Often the defense in these cases force the child to take the witness stand, most become disoriented, their stories start changing because of confusing questions and that alone gives a jury reasonable doubt. While as a DA I want to see every one of these jerks behind bars, the reality of the situation is if I don’t have very hard physical proof and I mean major damage, bruises, tearing, pregnancy or seamen, I won’t prosecute because it’s far too hard on the children† (Craig Merrit). Many times when the offender is a parent, older sibling or someone living within the home child protective services files what is called a Dependant and Neglected case, or DN. This type of case is done on a civil level and is used alongside and in many cases in lieu of a criminal case. The burden of proof is much lower in a DN case because it is civil, in these cases they only have to think something happened. This causes the offender to have a restraining order filed although they do not have to register as sex offenders, nor do they ever have any record of what they have done. The major downfall to a DN case is it is also filed against the nonoffending parent or parents and in order for the children to receive proper therapeutic services the nonoffending parents must plead guilty. While this causes no marks upon their records and causes no problems in background checks, it does often cause the parents much personal discomfort. Sadly there seems to be no cure for this crime. According to the article For sex offenders, the dispute on therapys benefits (Goodnough Davey) only approximately 12% of sex offenders is able to be rehabilitated. Faulted for this unbelievable number is low conviction rates and low release rates. Parole boards, are responsible for the release of offenders and simply do not feel comfortable placing sex offenders back on the streets without some form of assurance from the offender. Most child sex offenders around 73% (Lanning) begin grooming their next victim within the first year of their release. Strangely, close to the same number of offenders falls off the tracking radar as swiftly. Another factor that is blamed for the low rehabilitation rates is the lack of true honesty among the offenders. Most of those guys, they are just faking it to make it, Mr. Carlin said. Theyre just waiting to get released so they can go right back to what they were doing. (Goodnough Davey) Through reading this paper it is this author’s sincerest hope that you have gleaned an understanding of this heinous crime. Girls from all walks of life are vulnerable and the predators are right in their own living room. Children remain silent for many reasons, some are frightened, others are ashamed but each child needs to be reminded that this was not their fault. Recovery from a sex crime can take a lifetime; parents need to remain vigilant for the signs not only from their children, but the people they allow around their children. Sex crimes are not to be taken lightly nor is it to be believed that offenders can safely reintegrate. Sexual offenders may know what they have done is wrong, but will not change their actions without continual intervention. Gene G Abel, M.D., and Nora Harlow (2001). The Stop Child Molestation Book Xlibris (Study test revised April 2002) . Gretchen Turner, Nora Harlow, and Whitney Gabriel. (2003, Fall). Child Sexual Abuse: A New Model for School Counselor Consultations ` Georgia School Counselors Association Journal. Vol 2 No 4 Child Molestation Research and Prevention Institute (2007). Retrieved November14, 2008 from childmolestationprevention.org/index.html Lesley A. Hall paedophilia The Oxford Companion to the Body. Ed. Colin Blakemore and Sheila Jennett. Oxford University Press, (2001). Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. Apollo Group. Retrieved January 11, 2009 oxfordreference.com/views/ENTRY.html?subview=Mainentry=t128.e707 American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry : Child Sexual Abuse (2008 May) Retrieved November 14, 2008 from aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/child_sexual_abuse Kenneth V. Lanning (2001) Child Molesters: A Behavior Analysis Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Retrieved November 14, 2008 from missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC70.pdf Goodnough, Abby, and Monica Davey. For sex offenders, dispute on therapys benefits.(National Desk). The New York Times. (March 6, 2007): A1(L). Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 11 Jan. 2009 . convict. (2009). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 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